Cub Scout Advancement

Achievement is a pillar of the Scouting program, and more than ever, young people need exciting opportunities to learn, along with immediate recognition; to keep them engaged and growing.

Guide to Advancement - for Leaders (100 page pdf)

Cub Scouting is home and neighborhood centered for the Cub Scout. Advancement involves parental approval of requirements.

When a boy has completed his requirements for a rank the Den Leader is to record the achievement using the Cub Scout Record Form for badges of rank and for sports or academic awards use the Den Regonition Report.

The Den Leader or Pack Advancement Chair is to fill out a Unit Advancement Report and submit it to the Boy Scout Service Center prior to purchasing the badges of rank from the Scout Shop.

If a boy is in the second grade (or is 8), he can become a member of a Cub Scout den of perhaps five to eight boys, and his den is one of several that make up a pack. The den meets weekly, often at the home of the den leader.

If the boy is in the fourth grade (or is 10); he may become a member of a Webelos den. This den is led by an adult Webelos den leader. A pack may have more than one Webelos den, depending on the number of Webelos Scouts. The Webelos den meets weekly.

The pack meets monthly, usually at the building of its chartered organization. This meeting is conducted by the Cubmaster and the committee.

There are six Ranks in Cub Scouting:

Bobcat – ALL Cubs earn this rank soon after registering, regardless of age.

Tiger  – The rank for first graders (or 7 years old).

Wolf – The rank for second graders (or 8 years old).

Bear – The rank for third graders (or 9 years old).

Webelos – The first rank a boy earns in his Webelos den.

Arrow of Light – For fifth graders (or 10 years old).

Tiger Cub Requirements:Tiger Cubs are presented the Tiger Cub immediate recognition emblem when theylearn the first three requirements for the Bobcat badge: the Cub Scout motto, Cub Scoutsalute, and Cub Scout sign. When a Tiger Cub has accomplished these tasks, he shouldbe awarded his Tiger Cub immediate recognition emblem at the next pack meeting.The emblem is worn buttoned to the right pocket of the uniform shirt.

Tiger Cubs then complete the remaining requirements for the Bobcat badge, which will
be presented at the next pack meeting.

Bobcat Requirements: The new Cub Scout, regardless of his age, earns the Bobcat badge soon after registering. This rank involves learning the Cub Scout Promise, the Law of the Pack and some signs and symbols of Cub Scouting. His parents determine when the boy has mastered them.

Wolf Requirements: When a boy is in the second grade, he starts work on the twelve achievements for the Wolf rank as soon as he has earned his Bobcat rank. These achievements involve knowledge of the national flag, his religious duties, physical skills and other simple skills geared to his interests. A parent or adult family member should approve his work and sign his book, signifying completion of the requirements.

Cub Scout leaders approve only a few of the requirements, which are indicated in the book. When the Cub Scout has completed the twelve achievements, he receives the Wolf badge in a ceremony during a monthly pack meeting. The boy may then work on any of the twenty-two other fields, called electives, until he completes second grade (or is 9). Electives mostly cover hobby and sports interests. Each of these electives is divided into projects. For the first ten projects, a boy is awarded a Gold Arrow Point to be worn on his uniform below his Wolf badge. For the next ten projects completed, he receives Silver Arrow Point, to be worn below the gold one. Additional Silver Arrow Points may be earned for each ten projects. All requirements and electives are found in the Wolf Cub Scout Book.

Bear Requirements: When the boy is in the third grade (or as soon as he completes the Bobcat requirements if he joins at this age), he begins work toward the Bear rank. When he has completed twelve of the twenty four achievements and has been awarded the badge, he may work on the twenty-four electives in The Big Bear Cub Scout Book to earn arrow points as he did for Wolf. These arrow points are worn below his Bear badge. In addition, he may earn elective credits by completing requirements for the twelve achievements not used to earn the Bear badge. All requirements for both the Bear achievements and electives are found in The Big Bear Cub Scout Book. As with the Wolf rank, completion of the requirements is approved by the boy’s parents.

Webelos Requirements: While working toward the Webelos rank and the Arrow of Light Award, the boy also may earn any or all of the twenty activity badges that range from Aquanaut and Sportsman to Geologist and Forester. The Webelos den leader approves the boy’s work or assigns someone else to approve it. This is an important step in the boy’s transition to a Boy Scout troop. All requirements for the Webelos badge, Arrow of Light Award and activity badges are found in the Webelos Scout Book. Arrow of Light: When he is 11 years old (or has earned the Arrow of Light or completed the fifth grade), the boy makes a transition from the pack to a Boy Scout troop in an impressive pack ceremony. The Webelos badge and Arrow of Light requirements include many, but not all, of the joining requirements for the Boy Scout badge. Having earned these, the boy should have less difficulty in meeting the requirements for joining a troop and receiving his Boy Scout badge. Earning of the Arrow of Light does not automatically earn the Boy Scout badge.

Cub Scout Academic and Sports Program: While a youth is registered as a Cub Scout, he may earn “Belt Loops and Pins” in the academic and sports program.

Since Cub Scouting is designed to be a fun and academic experience, the Academic and Sports program has been develop. The “Belt Loops and Pins” may be earned at any time during a youth’s registration in the Cub Scout Program. There are a number of programs that are included, for example art, baseball, chess, fishing, music, skiing, and many more.
After a youth has completed the requirements, recognition of his hard work is suggested. There are two levels of recognition.
Belt Loops may be earned by completing the three-belt loop requirement in the desired academic or sports subject.
Pins may be earned after he has completed the “Belt Loop” requirements and has completed the addition requirements that can be found in the reference material. The pins are displayed on the “Academic and Sports Letter”. There are no specific requirements for earning the letter. However the pins or the letter is not intended to be displayed on the official Cub Scout uniform.

Cub Scout Advancement Goals: The administration of the Cub Scout advancement program is primarily the responsibility of the pack committee, with the support of the district advancement committee, the commissioner staff, and the Council Advancement Committee. See APPENDIX “D” for the Advancement Report form.

Parents of Cub Scouts should understand their role and responsibilities in their son’s advancement. For the boy to receive maximum benefit and growth from his advancement, the adult’s standard for completion of any requirement should be based on the Cub Scout motto, “Do Your Best”.

Advancement recognition should be given as soon as possible after a boy completes the requirements, and be done with proper ceremony. Presentation of badges should be a part of each monthly pack meeting. Suggestions for advancement ceremonies are contained in the Cub Scout and Webelos Scout Program Helps, Staging Den and Pack Ceremonies, and the Cub Scout Leader Book.

Packs and troops should be encouraged to work together to ensure a smooth transition from the Webelos den to the Boy Scout troop.

Good advancement records should be maintained by the pack to be sure that the boys are advancing and that the awards are presented promptly.

Cub Scout day camp, resident camping, Webelos overnight campouts, family camping and council or district Scouting shows provide additional opportunities for advancement.

The use of Den Chiefs (Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts or Venturers who assist with Cub Scout and Webelos Scout den meetings) can help stimulate advancement through example and experience, as well as encourage boys to continue in the Scouting program.